At the vehicle location, hand over your pick-up slip to the seller and have your identification document ready for a check of your person. If you are not collecting the vehicle in person, you will need to complete the collection authorisation included in the collection slip and enclose a copy of your identification document for the vehicle handover. When the vehicle and documents are handed over, you will receive a handover note from the seller on site. On this you will find a QR code and a 6-digit handover PIN. To confirm the collection of the vehicle, we offer you two options: 

1) Automatic pick-up confirmation by QR code You can scan the QR code either using your mobile phone camera or a QR code app. You will be redirected to and the collection will be confirmed automatically. 

2) Pick-up confirmation by PIN code entry You go to via the Internet browser. Here you can enter the collection PIN and confirm the collection with one click. Alternatively, you can also enter the PIN in the My Purchases / Collection area. 

If the vehicle is not collected on time, stall fees will apply from the 9th day. You can find out more about this in our General Terms and Conditions.